Friday, December 12, 2008

Dec. 12th- Last day of class

Final Exam: Thursday 8:00 a.m.

  • New criticism (Formalism) values technique. Stay inside of text. Unity. Structure. 
  • Deconstruction
  •  affirms and deviates from NC.
  •  There is no absolute meaning to a text. No outside a text.  Everything is text. 
  • Counters idea of unity. Well Wrought Urn
  • "Everything is partly rhetorical and hence literary" (Frye)
  • Moves away from the notion of unified whole

  • Feminism
  • Reductive- Looking only at how women are treated.
  • Expansive- Looks at domination.  bell hooks. What kind of literary work is this? Puts into perspective

  • Reader Response
  • You see yourself
  • Different spectacles
  • *You cannot make things mean whatever you want them to mean!!!

  • Psychoanalysts
  • Don't make fun of Freud
  • The truth is unseen-look at a glass darkly

  • Marxism
  • We do not see the world around us-Social truths
  • Hidden social hierarchies in texts
  • Class struggle

Test Questions
  1. What is the difference between a complaint and criticism? 
  2. Bloom compares Edith Grossman the________ of translators (Glen Gould)
  3. What secret enchanted thing does Don Antonio tell DQ about that will tell the truth? (The enchanted head)
  4. What is the English translation of Don Quixote (Of the Stains) (Stain glass windows) (Deconstruction) 
  5. What happened to DQ in the Cave of Montesinos? (A certain genre of literature)
  6. What was the name of the night that defeated DQ (Knight of the White Moon)
  7. Who really was The Knight of the Mirrors, The knight of the Wood, and The Knight of the White Moon? (Bachelor Carrasco)
  8. Pg. 804 "To to believe_____" (The impossible)
  9. Frye wears spectacles...the end result is to see something that you haven't seen. Pg. 346 "The culture of the past...things that have been buried...recognition...not our past lives but..." 

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Group 5 and 6 -Presentations

Blogs due at 5:00 on Friday!

Group Six: Psychoanalyst
Freudian Phallic Hour

Host: Freud.

Oedipus (Sad because whole life has been a lie)
Maybe you really wanted to kill your dad?

Hamlet (Melancholy because dad died and uncle took dad's place.  Now is just killing.) 
Are you mad because uncle did what you wanted to do?
Dreams are sensitive and coherent but hidden under a cloak of...

Don Quixote  
Could it be that your adventures are reality?
Reality principle

Miguel De Cervantes (Served in Army with Turks and was injured. Five years in captivity)
Story of the Captive
Wrote self into own story. Look at how author's life effects work.

Little Red Riding Hood (Fairy Tale with symbols of sexuality) (Seduction of wolf)
Original version oral.
Color red.
Little girl walking through wood wearing suggestive clothing.

Main Points: Subconscious desires, intertextuality, dreams, sexuality, childhood
Freud just systematized what was already going on with the poets and novelists

Group Five: Marxists
Kill Your TV Film...think for yourself...question authority
Negative Capability
Social class.  Class consciousness. Capitalism 
Activists who believe that revolution will cause social change.
Social Hierarchy.  Life is a series of tests.
Systems of power. Bourgeois and proletarians.
George Lucas (critic who confronts objective reality in the world)
Samuel Coleridge is not a Marxist (critic who believes imagination is central in text)

  • Marxist looks at a text for which class's values should be upheld.
  • Has to do with time periods. What is going on n the world? 
  • Not about artistic quality.
  • DQ becomes more sympathetic to the class while Sancho becomes more sympathetic to the aristocratic elements of Aristocracy.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Group 3 and 4- Presentations

Group Three: Feminist Theory

Hollywood Squares.
Famoust feminist critics: Mary Wollenstonecraft, Rosie The Rivetor, bell hooks, Pat (?)

Four phases of the Feminism Movement:

  • (Phase One) 1880's-1928 Women's suffrage in the UK and the US. 
  • (Phase Two) 1960's-1980's  issues of equality and ending discrimination. (After WWII) Tends to leave out the poor and minorities.
  • (Phase Three) 1990's Response to perceived failures of second wave feminism. (Sexual harassment issues). (After Anita Hill lost the court battle) (inclusion of all women in all countries with all different types of status)
  • (Phase Four) Is currently being constructed.
  • Hello and welcome to English 300 squares-  We have some special quest appearances for you this evening-  Critical as they may seem outside our studio I’d like you to help me inquire about their knowledge with Feminist Literary Criticism- ….I’ll come up with a few more introductory phrases before introductions begin- 

    Pat-  I have on my card here the number four- so I’m going to use this quantity in a question- What are or have been the four phases of feminism?

    Claire- Is the novel Don Quixote a work that is encompassed of fair gender roles?

    Mary Wollstonecraft- In youth we learn how to respond to the world in a male or female way- Hence the certain way we live out daily lives is signified by these responses- One of the American Philosopher Judith Butler’s favorite words is re-signification- a term that challenges these daily rhetorical responses- The question is –what particular daily activity do you believe needs to be re-signified for gender equality? 

    Rosie The Riveter- Are there any strong or “actual” women in Don Quixote?   No- sparks argument between-….

    Pat- we don’t know where you came from or how you are developing in life- but I speak for most with this question-  Are you aware of any proper representative creation stories that promote feminist ideals?-

    Bell Hooks- It seems Don Quixote is a great book for feminist ideals because it largely contributes to the idea of chivalry-  How can or can this not be considered a feminist mode?    

    Bell- since you are basically a third wave feminist, could you still describe for us how to describe the emergent fourth wave?

    “Feminism is not simply a struggle to end male chauvinism or a movement to ensure than women have equal rights with men.  It is a commitment to eradicating the ideology of domination that permeates Western culture on various levels--sex, race, and class, to name a few---and a commitment to reorganizing U.S. society so that the self-development of people can take precedence over imperialism, economic expansion, and material desires.” 

    Pat- What are you- a boy or girl?  Sparks argument- (sex vs. gender)

    What needs to change, if anything, for Don Quixote to be a gender fair novel?

    Which 1963 author, and founder of NOW or National Organization for Women, wrote The Feminine Mystique, which was the first literary landmark for feminism?
    -Betty Friedan 

    Which 1970 radical feminist organization, influenced by Marxism, held the view that the male had to give up his supremacy instead of the woman changing herselfand also published the journal Feminist Revolution?
    The Redstockings 
    Who was the first American feminist author and what was her work that was published in 1845?
    -Margret Fuller and 
     Woman in the Nineteenth Century which was a novel expanded from an 1843 essay: The Great Lawsuit. Man Verses Man. Woman Verses Woman.

    Group Three: Reader Response Theory 


    Poem: The Flea (John Donne)

    MARK but this flea, and mark in this,

    How little that which thou deniest me is ;
    It suck'd me first, and now sucks thee, 
    And in this flea our two bloods mingled be.
    Thou know'st that this cannot be said
    A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead ;
        Yet this enjoys before it woo,
        And pamper'd swells with one blood made of two ;
        And this, alas ! is more than we would do.

    O stay, three lives in one flea spare,
    Where we almost, yea, more than married are.
    This flea is you and I, and this
    Our marriage bed, and marriage temple is.
    Though parents grudge, and you, we're met,
    And cloister'd in these living walls of jet.
        Though use make you apt to kill me,
        Let not to that self-murder added be,
        And sacrilege, three sins in killing three.

    Cruel and sudden, hast thou since
    Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence?
    Wherein could this flea guilty be,
    Except in that drop which it suck'd from thee?
    Yet thou triumph'st, and say'st that thou
    Find'st not thyself nor me the weaker now.
    'Tis true ; then learn how false fears be ;
    Just so much honour, when thou yield'st to me,
    Will waste, as this flea's death took life from thee.

    Difference between New Critics and Deconstrucionists. 

    1. NC: Stay inside the text. 
    2. D: There is no outside the text. 
    3. Reader Response (bigger umbrella)
    4. Feminism and RR reactions to the exclusiveness of former criticism.

    Friday, December 5, 2008

    Groups 1 and 2-Presentations

    Group one: New Criticism
    Dominant mid twentieth century.
    Close reading
    Rejects all elements outside of text

    Key concept: Intentional Fallacy
    History: Strucuralism and deconstruction replaced new criticism
    Cliches: come hell or High Water
    History: Intentional Fallacy Essay- 1954
    Works: Birth of new criticism 1922-1925 The Fugative Essay.
    Works: Foundational work- Tradition and the Individual Talent
    Critics: Allen Tate's work...rejection of abstractionism...
    Cliches: Costs a pretty penny
    Key Concepts- Exclusion of Advertisement and Propaganda
    Cliches: Joe Six Pack
    Key Concepts:Studying a passage of prose or poetry in NC style requires Careful Scrutiny from the reader.
    Works: "The Well-Wrought Urn" written by Cleanth Brooks
    Key Concepts: Rhyme, meter, setting and plot are used to help identify theme.
    History: New criticism 1920's -1960's
    Critics: "Lemin squeezer school of criticism" The Wasteland T.S. Elliot
    History: Godfather of New Criticism- William Blake

    Final Jeopardy: (Everything is on handout)
    Answer:  "The Intentional Fallacy" William K. Wimsatt and Monroe Beardsley 

    Potent Potables, Cliche, People, Key Concepts, The Works, History 
    (Keanu Reaves, Burt Renolds, Sarah Palin, Sean Oconnery)

    "Well Wrought Urn"
    Unity in poetry. How do all these things add up to a "Well Wrought Urn"

    Group two: Deconstruction
    The People have accused William Blake of obscenity in this poem.

    The Sick Rose

    Oh Rose Thou Art Sick!
    The invisible worm
    That flies in the night,
    In the howling storm
    Has found out thy bed
    of crimson joy
    And his dark secret love
    Does thy life destroy

    • Authors intent does not apply to deconstruction.

    • Freud/psychoanalyst: sex everywhere. (rose female-reproductive organ, worm-penis) (rape)

    • Derrida: Only text as source of reading (close reading) No fixed meaning. Always rethink your interpretations. Question your beliefs.  To read is to experience...
    Diversity among people: divesity among interpretations.

    • Hans George Gatamer. Deconstruction: Continual exploration. One can make a word anything he wants it to mean.
    Words are ambiguous.

    Deconstruction: school of wide range thinking.  No authorial intent. Many meanings/levels.  Metaphorical.  

    Follows New Criticism, but deconstruction believes that there is no outside the text, because all things are text. (Pandora's Box)  Meaning is subjective.

    Lines up with existentialism.  We are always in the process


    Monday, December 1, 2008

    Dec. 1st class- Threnody

    Judson's Threnody: A song of lamentation.  Romantics...true definition.  You are the cultural council. Mortification phase. Lamentation for dying gods.

    Joan's book: Good Omen. Apocalyptic.

    Andrew Arvelle: To His Coy Mistress

    Catcher in the Rye: Descent narrative.  Archetypal elements.

    Apology: A defense. A proud explanation.