Monday, September 15, 2008

Sept. 15th class-Wheel of Fortune


*Each person is assigned a literary critic. Not a report.
(Hard copy handout of people and their assigned critics)

Theory of Modes:

Tragic Comic Thematic

High mimetic
Low Mimetic

Class requirements:
2 Quizes

Term Paper Due just before thanksgiving. -Primary texts in history of criticism that are defenses (or apologies) of criticism.
Defend against bigots and fanatics, readers who hate literature,
Title it: Name apology: What's the use of stories that aren't even true?

Reference 3 class texts, and other things as well.
3 pages long. *Clean up your spelling.

Starting Dec. 3rd, group presentations.
*Lit should entertain and instruct.

Selves as possibilities. Literature encourages tolerance. Group presentations should take 20 minutes.

the ocean could not use metaphors. Ocean has innocent knowledge.
mimic-to copy. Mimesis
Literary study- art is an imitation of nature. Low mimetic.
Is the poem suggesting that we are moving away from mimesis? The song was not that of the ocean, the innocent knowledge.
Poesis is creative.
The song gave the people a different kind of knowledge. Transforming.
mythology- A collection of stories that help people with their lives.
Step back from whatever we are viewing (Frye). Organizing principle, structure, base.
God spoke. Myth of creation through the agency of speaking.
Innocence. Morals. Fall from innocence.

Gnostic- knowledge.

Trust the tale, not the teller (Lawrence)

*look up the word genius.

Wheel of Fortune: (Around and around)
Comic romance- Pastoral. Green world. Little lambs.
Comic irony-Scapegoat

Homework: Plug in the boxes

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