*Newest assignment-picture of self (your critic) on blog site, and begin to develop who you are.
*Continue to connect poem with Frye's chart and section of phases. Read with special care, the anagogical phase.
Pg. 142 DQ
Wanting to revive the romantic age. Reviving the golden age. Act as if you belong in age (quixotic figure).
Positive way of looking at quixotic- Ideals. Imagination and will.
Negative way of looking on quixotic- "chasing windmills." Fool. Nutcase. Mad as a hatter.
Humoring in Don Quixote.
Pg. 47 DQ
Burning of books.
criteria for which books are burned.
What percent of Americans don't read books!?
Pleasure of "Innuendo"
Reality? are words dictative or suggestive?
Order? Lolita
Tragic Low Mimetic- Frankenstein. (A modern Prometheus) (Megan's choice)
Low mimetic tragedy shows the death or sacrifice of an ordinary human being and evokes pathos. (Wikipedia)
Effect of monster is pathos- having to do with feeling.
Scrooge (Tiny Tim).
Charlette's Web.
Tragic person is heroic.
Wikipedia on Anatomy of Criticism
Aristotle's Poetics: All the parts fit together
6 aspects of tragedy: 3 internal, 3 external.
Tragic Ironic:
The ironic mode often shows the death or suffering of a protagonist who is both weak and pitiful compared to the rest of humanity and the protagonist's environment. (Wikipedia)
"Deranged society"
All of this is in trash!
*Brief overview of all comedy modes.
*know this for test: Low Mimetic comedy: Boy wants girl. Shakespeare tried all variations of this.
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