Monday, November 3, 2008

Nov.10th- class- Seasons

*Questions on Wed (test review).  Use: is this relevant? Online critics
*Write a 3-5 page apology paper reflecting previous apologists. At least one reference to DQ. 
*Make paper into a three minute oral presentation. Paper is due day of presentation
*post paper to blog.
*After test, we will focus on DQ until 3 minute presentations. We will go backwards alphabetically (nine names per day).
*Groups 1 and 2 will start first.

Joan- critic: Eve Sedgwick
Born in 1950. Yale
paranoid reading.  Automatic responses to changes. We need to remain aware and objective.
Normal/ reading. 

Kevin- critic: Stanley Fish
Teaches English and law. Milton scholar.
Reader response critic. Interpretive communities. 
Accused of relativist arguments, but believes that literary interpretations should be specific. 
"Bit of a maverick"
"humanities are their own good"
"A poem is what one sees when one is looking with poetry seeing eyes"

Chris- critic: Susan Gubar/ Sandra Gilbert
Susan Professor of English and women's studies.
Sandra Professor of English
wrote together: The Madwoman in the Attic
About angels and monsters...but not literally.
Dichotomy of woman as pure or crazy.

Derek- critic: homi k. Bhabba
Born in India
Post colonial theory. Post Structuralism
criticized for too much jargon in prose.
cultural identity
signifier and signified inseparable but not unified.

Bobby-critic: Virginia Woolf
not crazy just a little mad. Bipolar disorder...visions...voices...
Book: A Room of Her Own
feminist publisher critic
stream of consciousness. 
A founder of the modernist movement
Drowned herself.

"what's the point?" Arnold's discussion of meaning, just image.
Pullman's book list...Wallace Stevens (Northern Lights)...Auroras of Autumn...Art of Memory

NF Pg. 158 rythms of nature (kenosis and plerosis) we are in the season of kenosis.
New Years- rid self and re-born. Mort(death)ification. mourning for god who is going to the underworld.
 Autumn-elogy-carpe diem
Scapegoat rites. Irony. Tyrany, anarchy, blood...T.S. Eliot's Wasteland
Partying until you loose consciousness. Blackout. End of a cycle.
Next phase is called invigoration.
Theory of mythos and production
Pg. 160 cyclical phases. seasons.

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