Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oct. 15th class- Questions for test on Friday

1. Trust the tale, not the teller
2. Centripetal v.s. Centrifugal  (Inside (formal), Outside (Descriptive) 
3. Which Frye box is the Pharmakos? Ironic comedy, scapegoat
4. Baseball. Umpire.  Feelings of wanting to kill someone.
5.  All literature is displaced______ (myth)
6. Tragedy is a ______ of an action that is...Aristotle's definition of Tragedy. Imitation of an action that is serious, complete and of a certain magnitude. Rituals at the base of literature.
7. Dromenon. Something done.
8. Canon- What does the canon believe literature should be? It should be didactic (or have a moral)
9. Logos- Power to create through the agency of word.  What myth is operating in the Idea? God created by speaking. (Gospel of John)
10. Sense of _____ is far higher in tragedy than in comedy. (reality)
11. All comedy is directed at_________ (The rigid and uncompromising, the inflexible person) 
12. According to Shelly, what happens to nature? Nature only gives us a ____ world, where poetry gives us a ________ world (       )
13. Know Abrahm's four elements.
  • Mimetic Theories (interested in the relationship between the Text and the Universe)
  • Pragmatic Theories (interested in the relationship between the Text and the Audience)
  • Expressive Theories (interested in the relationship between the Text and the Author)
  • Objective Theories (close reading of the Text
14. Pg. 350 Frye: All structures in words are partly _____ and hence_______. (rhetorical, literary)
13. Plato banishes poets in book ten of _____(The Republic). Why? They are useless, deranged liars.
14. According to , literature should teach, should have good morals, not just (Entertain)
15. Pathos would belong to which Frye box? (Low mimetic) (Tears)
16. Mythos, ethos and dionoia are Aristotelian for ___, ____, ___ (story, character and theme) 
17. Repeats Shelly's last line.  "Poets are the unacknowledged...."
18. Frye's ______ phase corresponds to low mimetic mode (Descriptive)
19. Formal phase- Polysemous language. Layers of meaning.
20. Sydney. Poet never affirms anything, therefore_____ (He never lies). Willing dispensation of disbelief.
21. Intentional fallacy, Frye: What the poem means is the poem.
22. Define tautology, tautologically.
23. Shelly. Imagination is superior to logic (or reason) 
24. In regards to this class, what is an epiphany? (A light bulb, or a sudden manifestation of the divine. Anogogical level)
25. Pg. 100 Lycidas. Frye.
26. What are the alazons? (Impostors) (professor or learned crank)
27. What is metonomy? Something that stands for something else. English language does not have a word for artistic creator, so the use of poet is applied.

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